Our Promotional Models Spreading The Coffee Love!

Our models and team were thrilled to team up with our friends at The Globe & Mail and Starbucks Canada again for a nationwide promotion this past week. With promotional reps in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver we were armed with complimentary Starbucks coffees and 90 day subscriptions to the Globe & Mail! The response was amazing (who doesn't love free Starbucks and The Globe?!). Our promotional models did a fabulous job and we exceeded our targets from the very first day! Some of our clients feedback included, "Thank you so much for a fantastic program execution!" and "Fantastic news and it’s great to see the program was so successful in Calgary! Great job to you and your team!"

We're pumped on the outcome and happy we could have been apart of such a generous promotion! We've worked past successful promotions with The Globe & Mail including The Calgary Bobsleigh World Cup and The Style Advisor Execution. The Globe & Mail, with head office located in Toronto, offers the most authoritative news in Canada, featuring national and international news. To see more visit http://www.theglobeandmail.com and be sure to check out http://www.starbucks.ca.